Preferred Creditor Address

Last Updated: October 19, 2015

Creditors who complete and return this form to the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC) will have notices sent from all bankruptcy courts, or from the individual bankruptcy courts specified on the form, redirected to a preferred mailing address for cases filed under all chapters of the Bankruptcy Code, effective within 30 days after receipt by the BNC. The notice in a specific case under subsection (e) supersedes the more global address notice that might be filed under (f).

Note:  The form should be submitted directly to the mailing address/fax number for the BNC, as included on the form. Forms that are received directly by the Clerk's Office will be forwarded on to this same address/fax number, thereby resulting in a potential delay to the effective date of address implementation by the BNC.

  • The creditor must notify the BNC should there be a change to the preferred address and/or matching names and addresses specified by this form.






U.S.C.: 342(f)
FRBP: 2002(g)(4)