Uploading a Creditor Matrix

Last Updated: May 2022

The creditor matrix must be in ASCII text format, usually a .txt file, before it can be successfully uploaded. Refer to the procedure "How to Convert a Creditor Matrix to a .txt File." All other file types within CM/ECF will be portable document format (PDF) files.


  1. Select [Bankruptcy].

  2. Select [Creditor Maintenance].

  3. Select [Upload a Creditor Matrix File].

  4. Enter the case number (e.g., xx-xxxxx).

  5. Browse to select the creditor mailing list (.txt file).

  6. Click on the submit button.

  7. Verify number of creditors.

    Note: U.S. Trustee and US Attorney are automatically added to all cases.

  8. Continue with Assigning a Judge and Trustee procedure if applicable.