Electronic Filing of Proof of Claims (ePOC)


Electronic Filing of Proof of Claims (ePOC)

Last Updated: December 1, 2015

Official Form B410 - Proof of Claim form will be created automatically when claim information is submitted.

To electronically file claim:

  1. From the Home page of the court's website, select [E-Filing Proof of Claim].

  2. Select [File a Proof of Claim]

  3. Enter the case number (e.g., xx-xxxxx).

  4. Enter the name of creditor filing the claim.

    Note:  If only a portion of the creditor's name is entered in the "Name of Creditor" box, ePOC will pull all the creditors in the case that contain that specific information in the name.

  5. Important: Read the redaction notice and ensure the information filed is in compliance, then checkmark [Redaction] box and click [Next].

  6. Select the radio button for the [creditor filing the claim] or select [Creditor Not Listed].

  7. Verify the bankruptcy case and creditor information selected or insert information.

  8. In order for the Official Proof of Claim (B410) form to be created properly, the following information should be completed:

    • Amount of Claim.

    • Basis for Claim.

    • Last four digits of the debtor's account (if any).

    • Secured portion of claim (if any).

    • Priority portion of claim (if any).

    • Supporting documentation (if necessary).

    • Creditor's signature.

    • Verification Code

  1. Verify all claim information entered and enter Verification Code.

  2. Click [Submit Claim].

  3. Receive a confirmation screen stating claim number and a verification email will be sent to you at the address provided.