Filing Without an Attorney
- Basic information for debtors, creditors, court personnel, the media, and the general public on different aspects of the federal bankruptcy laws from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.
- Additional Information About Filing Without An Attorney
Informational website created by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts intended for debtors interested in filing without an attorney (pro se).
- Means Test Information
- Information from the U.S. Trustee regarding the means test form and links to Census Bureau and the Internal Revenue Service resources for data needed to complete the form.
- Credit Counseling
- Information from the U.S. Trustee regarding pre-petition credit counseling and a list of approved credit counseling agencies.
- Financial Management (Debtor Education)
- Information from the U.S. Trustee regarding personal financial management instructional courses (debtor education) and a list of approved debtor education providers.
- Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines for Chapter 7 Fee Waiver Eligibility
- JCUS Interim Procedures Regarding Chapter 7 Fee Waiver Provisions
- Director's Interim Guidance Regarding Tax Information